No plan is perfect. In product development, this fact of life is often evident - particularly when teams are battling against tight deadlines and expectant customers.
No plan is perfect. In product development, this fact of life is often evident - particularly when teams are battling against tight deadlines and expectant customers.
Let's say you need to run a Mathcad Prime worksheet without user intervention and at a particular time of the day. Without the ability to schedule such tasks, you’d have to remind yourself to do so manually, and potentially run the risk of forgetting entirely.
Shorter times to market, demands for higher quality at lower cost and greater design complexity are just a few of the challenges that modern engineers face. These challenges mean that more design information needs to be distributed throughout the enterprise faster and for a greater range of purposes.
Manufacturing techniques are changing and keeping on top of new technology is becoming an ever increasing challenge. How do you know where to invest your time and effort?
At their base level, lattices are repeating structures. Spoked wheels and trusses are examples of lattice-based objects that have a basic topology that repeats either consistently or with a degree of variation.
In the world of product development, every stakeholder - be they a designer, a manager or within marketing, needs access to the most accurate, up-to-date information, if the organisation is to produce the best products on time and within budget. Simply put, it’s a democracy. If just one stakeholder is unable to access a key element of the design or vital piece of feedback, the entire project may be put at the risk of increased lead times or, worse, failure upon release.
There was a time when product manufacturers had to rely solely on 2D drawings and documentation during the design process. This often resulted in product data becoming inconsistent as it travelled from department to department.
Augmented reality (AR) is undeniably exciting. AR is capable of placing digital elements within the field of view, making it appear as though computer-generated models are occupying the same physical space as the user.