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Concurrent Engineering Blog

Writing requirements: 6 ways to get them right

Posted by Concurrent Engineering on 30-May-2024 11:15:00

Writing effective requirements can be the difference between success and failure on an engineering project. Good requirements ensure all project elements are understood from the start. On the other hand, badly written requirements can lead to expensive errors and delays.

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Leading the change: 4 manufacturing use cases for digital transformation

Posted by Concurrent Engineering on 28-May-2024 16:49:06

In today’s rapidly evolving landscape of modern manufacturing, embracing digital transformation (DX) is essential to remain competitive. 92% of global manufacturers have started their DX journey, modernising traditional processes with innovative solutions.

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How augmented reality makes onboarding more effective

Posted by Concurrent Engineering on 21-May-2024 09:15:00

AR is revolutionising the way companies train new recruits, delivering significant benefits. Let’s find out more about it.

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5 steps to identifying the value of digital transformation

Posted by Concurrent Engineering on 16-May-2024 10:51:20

Leveraging digital transformation (DX) can fundamentally change how companies operate, produce and deliver products. 

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Are you ready for Mathcad Prime 10?

Posted by Concurrent Engineering on 14-May-2024 08:45:00

PTC has been busy making the new Mathcad the best ever. Let’s find out what’s new.

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How PLM reduces Cost of Poor Quality - and boosts profitability

Posted by Concurrent Engineering on 13-May-2024 09:30:00

When you reduce costs associated with failure, you become more efficient and more profitable. Let’s find out more.

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Combining AI and IoT

Posted by Concurrent Engineering on 02-May-2024 09:24:00

When you add artificial intelligence capabilities to Internet of Things-enabled devices, amazing things happen. Let’s find out more.

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How Creo 10 makes composite design simple

Posted by Concurrent Engineering on 18-Apr-2024 09:45:00

New features inside Creo 10 eliminate one of the traditional challenges associated with composite material design. Let’s find out more.

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How Creo delivers the benefits of simulation

Posted by Concurrent Engineering on 19-Feb-2024 10:15:00

Simulation is an essential concept in mechanical engineering, but many companies struggle with it. Creo is here to help. Let’s find out more.

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5 ways to slow workforce turnover in your manufacturing business

Posted by Concurrent Engineering on 13-Feb-2024 09:00:00

Technology isn’t the only way to keep your best employees in your business, but it’s a great place to start. Let’s find out more.

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