Creo Parametric is a powerful tool, ideal for anyone who uses 3D CAD modelling for design and product development. But, as well as impressive capability, there are also some great Creo Parametric features that mean it is now easier and more straightforward for you to get on with the job of designing and developing products. Take a look below to find out 5 of the great Creo Parametric features.
Great feature 1: The look and feel of Creo
The ribbon user interface makes it straightforward to find all the different tools that you want to use. Across the top, there are the different tabs. Then, each of the ribbons has the most commonly used features, so it’s all easy to access. Plus, in the bottom left of the window, you can toggle between the model tree and the embedded browser.
Great feature 2: Makes it easy to select edges, vertices and surfaces
Holding down the Alt key, while selecting, temporarily suspends the default selection filter. So, this enables another selection filter. This means you can easily select edges, vertices and surfaces.
Great feature 3: New Cross-Section functionality
With Creo Parametric 2.0, there are some big changes in the cross-section functionality. For example, free manipulation means that you are now able to rotate section plans around the X, Y and Z axis, to display more of the model. There’s also the Section Window that means you can open up you accessory window and it will only show the geometry for the intersected plane. This great Creo Parametric feature also includes Dynamic Drag and Highlight Interferences, amongst others.
Great feature 4: Sticky Right hand Mouse Menus
Now, with Creo, you no longer need to hold down the button to keep the up menu opened with the right hand mouse button. And, as an added extra, closed sections are shaded. This means you know you have a closed section when creating features that require a sketch.
Great feature 5: Use the Alt key to get to keyboard shortcuts
If you press the Alt key, keyboard shortcuts appear. This means, it’s quicker and easier to access the functions you require.
Want to find out more about all of the great Creo Parametric features? Download the 12 Reasons to Upgrade to Creo Parametric 2.0 eBook